
Finally a moment for comment!

I have been waiting to post forever. However, with school and kids and work and wife and what ever else there is in life, I have been extremely busy.
God has blessed so far this semester and I see His hand in many things. Carrie and I are getting well settled at our new church. Christian and Caden have made many new friends and love them very much.
The challenges that come with going to school and raising children are numerous, however, I seem to find energy when I need it the most. I have been rising early in the morning to study. This seems to be best since other times can be very noisy.
Carrie and I are taking a Spanish class that is offered through one of the local retired professors and sponsored by the bank in the area we are ministering. This is an excellent opportunity for us to learn a language that will come in handy not only here in America but in many other countries as well.
I am taking three classes this semester. Missiology, Epistomology, and Theology...I thought that I would keep with classes that end in ology! This keeps me on track in some way or the other.
Just let me stay awake and do my best! This is my prayer.

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