
Brainwashing and Heart Training

I loved this article at credenda.org!
My wife and I are currently teaching our two boys the Westminster Shorter Catechism for boys and girls. When asked "Why did God create you?" my two year old replies, "Fwor His own Gwory!"
How awesome to see them catching true doctrine. Do they understand? Do we understand? Maybe not now but I know that just as in this article there will come a time for the "Ahha!" moment.
God will illuminate His truth to all of us in His own time! It is our responsibility to continually feast on His Word so that He can provide the nutrients we need from it!
As I say to my youth, "Have you had your God flakes today?"
Some...who evidentally don't get it would say this is brainwashing our children. I prefer to call it heart training!

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