Really, I have been thinking. I have thought about so many things lately it kind of hurts my mind to think of all the things. But let me at least divulge some of my pains...
First, let me say that by no means do I have the corner of the market on what true worship is, but I am pretty sure that I have come to understand what it is not.
Worship is not self-centered or self-focused. I am sure that when God invented worship He even thought you know in English it looks as if it contains an i but really the i should be not even thought of! It really should be spelled Worshp. I think it totally could be spelled that way and no one would ever even miss a beat.
I guess this comes up because of late I have found that many define worshp at least within the singing part of a worshp service as being something that really is meant for them to "experience" but not really to glorify God. Yes, I have a big problem with this....
We should experience the awesomeness of the presence of God as we commune with Him in worshp, but just as I spelled should not contain an "i" Worshp should focus on the One and Only True and Living God...and nothing else...if we are "experiencing" God at that time it should be only because at that very moment God has lavished His Spirit on us in a way that we might enjoy His presence. We are not to be seeking a "feeling" or an it, but rather a Him! We should be seeking to please Him.
I have heard it said so many times that God is our audience of One...this is true to a point, but it really almost gives us to much credit... as if we have anything that might amuse God. Like a Jester before the royal court, we are fools to think that we have anything but foolishness to show before the King. However, as we offer up our filthy rags in obedience, He quickly turns them in to beautiful garbs of righteousness fit for His glory and splendor. We are to be instruments of praise to the one who created us, not self-righteous, self-seeking fools.
God forgive me for being the fool so many times before You, make me into your very image that I might be an instrument of Your Glory.
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