
Fresh Start!

Most of the time it seems as if we wait till the New Year to begin new things or to rehash old things, but I am going to start today! I have been waiting for the right time, but now have found the urge to begin writing again in my blog. I am not sure if anyone will find what I write interesting, but I want to give those who are interested a look at what it is like to live in my world.
So...I begin...again.
I started this blog many years back. Let me just bring you up to date on my life.
My wife, Carrie and I are expecting our fifth child. As I am writing this she is now less than two hours from being a week overdue. We have a glimpse at a name for the baby, however we have not arrived on the perfect name for this young one. We also are in limbo as to whether this baby is a boy or a girl. This is our first home birth so we are experiencing a little bit of anxiety, but we understand that God is in control and He is perfect to accomplish His will.
Christian my oldest son is now eight, followed by Caden, he is six. Charis is my only girl, so far, and she is three. Cai who will be the one who will see my hair turn completely white because of his tenacity is 2. He is the first child we have had to actually embrace the terrible two's. For some reason the others skipped it and went into the three's before this phenomenon hit!
I am an associate pastor of Worship/Families and Students at FBC Battlefield, MO. I love it! God has richly blessed us as we are seeing people come to Christ and lives being changed.
I am working with some really wonderful people and they have embraced me and my family with open arms.
I am coming to see ministry in a different way. I have always been so outwardly focused that I have many times neglected my family. I am still working on this believe me it is still a struggle, but I am find myself more and more concerned with raising my children to love and serve Jesus.
I have not always had the right priorities in ministry and now I am realizing that God has placed me in a responsible role as husband, then father, and finally pastor in this order.
I ask for God's grace in this area everyday.
I hope to blog more about what I am learning through God's word, what He is teaching me as I lovingly guide my home. I want to share more about myself. If you find this blog to be helpful in your pursuit of life, I am grateful, but if not...well then it is just for me. I hope you do find a nugget of truth in here, I will keep blogging so that whoever might read this might know the truth I have found. Christ alone is my salvation. He is the only one who has rescued me and for this I am forever grateful!
See you soon,

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