

I am relatively a simple man. I don't reach for things that shine or things that are unattainable. For instance, I am not the type to stare for hours at a piece of metal that they call a sports car and lick my lips to keep the saliva from dripping off my chin. I mean I find my pleasure in simple things.
For instance, I like being comfortable. I like air conditioning. It is a what I would consider to be a gift from God. It makes life pleasing. Can I do without it? .....Yes. Would I like to if asked? probably not. However, I will to make someone else more comfortable give up my air. I would be happy just to see someone else happy. That is what I call. Simple. I don't ask for much. I do ask for a little time with my family. I don't need many outside things, but I do love being with my family.
I can honestly say that somethings are not my cup of tea, but I will take an unpleasant and make it ok out of respect for others. I am not saying by far that I am the most loving and kind person ever I just try to think of others first.
Why? Why then do others, not think of me first. Maybe they do and I am just to me focused to think and see that it is me that I am thinking of first. However, I wonder when people make comments about me do they realize that I try very diligently to be giving. I really don't try to ask for much, just comfort every once in a while and the love of my family. Time with God is important to me to, however I believe that I can have that time anywhere at anytime so you really can't get in my way as far as time with my Lord.
I wonder if people realize that it hurts me when I am talked about and then someone has to say something to me, to keep me in check, but it is of course never the person that said it first that will come to me. If they have a problem, then they should come to me. Not to someone else about me.
Why? Why then do others think what they have to say about me is important enough to say, but not important enough to bring to me face to face.
I don't like ghosts! Ghosts are people that say things to other people that I will never see. It is as if they must use a medium to communicate. However these so called "ghosts" are alive and have the ability to speak to me personally, but they won't they will just shout from a far to the person that will speak the loudest. This person will become their medium and I will become frustrated because the voice I hear doesn't have a face to it.
How? How can I ever resolve a conflict or a infraction if I do not have the ability to confront it face to face. I am a gentle spirit, a sensitive person, however, no one else seems to care. I am growing thicker skin and I am also realizing that God has not called me to listen to "ghosts" but to the sound of his voice and to dive into the direction that He has purposed for me! I will dive it deep!
Why? Because He says so and that makes all the difference. Not because I have seen, but because I have not seen, yet I believe for He is my savior and my King!!
Why? I will not ask, I will not do, unless He directs my path!
Freedom is my cry!